François Pachet
François Pachet is a renowned French computer scientist and musician, known for his significant contributions at the intersection of artificial intelligence and music. He was born in 1964 and worked as Director of Research at the Spotify Creator Technology Research Lab, where he led innovative initiatives to enhance music creation and production using advanced AI technologies.
AI and music: is the problem solved?
There have been spectacular developments in the domain of AI-assisted music creation in recent years. However, one can ask what exactly is the problem addressed, and how far it can be considered as solved. I will review some recent developments in AI-assisted music creation, including some of my own team at Sony and Spotify, and highlight what are, in my opinion, the main obstacles in developing truly useful AI-assisted tools for music in the future.
François Pachet has been a pioneer in AI-Assisted music creation. He has developed many AI tools with the attempt to combine both the viewpoint of musicians and scientists. He was Principal Investigator of the Flow Machines ERC-funded project, which produced (with the musician SKYGGE) Daddy’s Car, a song in the style of the Beatles, and Hello World, the first mainstream music album composed with AI. He is also a musician and has published two music albums (jazz and pop) as composer and performer, as well as an augmented book about the ontogenesis of a musical ear, Histoire d’une Oreille (story of an ear). He was elected EurAI Fellow in 2014 and doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Pernambuco (Brazil) in 2017.